Oral sex linked to cancer risk

US scientists said on Sunday there is strong evidence linking oral sex to cancer, and urged more study of how human papillomaviruses may be to blame for a rise in oral cancer among white men.
Histopathologic image illustrating well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma in the excisional biopsy specimen. Hematoxylin-eosin stain. (Image: Wikimedia Commons)
Histopathologic image illustrating well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma in the excisional biopsy specimen. Hematoxylin-eosin stain. (Image: Wikimedia Commons)

In the United States, oral cancer due to HPV infection is now more common than oral cancer from tobacco use, which remains the leading cause of such cancers in the rest of the world.

Researchers have found a 225% increase in oral cancer cases in the United States from 1974 to 2007, mainly among white men, said Maura Gillison of Ohio State University. The full article.

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