Tiger Brands launches exciting nutrition education programme in Alexandra Township

The Tiger Brands nutrition education programme will be encouraging primary school learners to eat well and live well so that they can learn well. Making healthy eating choices will be made easy, simple to understand and practical for the learners making it easier for them to have a healthy lifestyle. Tiger Brands and representatives from DBE launched the nutrition education programme at 13 primary schools in Alexandra Township. The initial launch took place on 14 February 2014 at Ikage Primary School in Alexandra.

"The world is facing new health challenges and threats including a significant increase in chronic diseases arising from an aging population and unhealthy lifestyles," says Alex Mathole, corporate affairs group executive for Tiger Brands, "As a leading FMCG company it is therefore fitting to actively promote healthier lifestyle choices starting at an early age."

The nutrition education programme will cover themes such as correct food portions, eating balanced nutritious meals, and the importance of regular physical activity while also raising the importance of reduced salt and sugar consumption. The programme will run throughout the year and will be expanded to the other 47 schools that Tiger Brands supports through its foundation. Teacher aids and classroom resources will be developed and distributed to the schools to further entrench the Eat Well, Live Well and Learn Well message.

The nutrition education programme launch will touch 18,000 learners who will also receive stationery packs that include nutrition and health messaging.

20 Feb 2014 11:51
