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Wetpaint Advertising leverages African market insights and cutting-edge tech to deliver tailored, full-service solutions that elevate your brand and drive measurable success.
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'Add a bit of vernac M': Unpopular opinion by a senior strategic copywriter
In the advertising industry, there’s an unspoken practice that many consider standard but, in reality, is a huge miss: simply translating an English campaign line into vernac (vernacular languages), to be more relatable, they say. Many creatives believe that by taking an English slogan and asking a black writer to translate it, they've struck gold, they're one with the people. They think it shows inclusivity and cultural relevance. But here’s the kicker: it doesn’t. 2 Oct 2024 Read more

Adapt or perish – The uncomfortable truth employers and employees must face: Unpopular opinion by a CCO
As CCO, it's part of my duties to steer the agency and our employees to adopt new platforms, programmes, and processes for the betterment of both the agency at large and the clients we service. It’s been interesting to watch how we as humans are innately resistant to change – maybe because of the uncertainty change brings or mainly because the fireplace of our comfort zones is too cozy for us to leave our seats. However warm the fireplace is, someone must go outside to gather wood to keep the fire burning, right? 4 Sep 2024 Read more

Promotions: Because who needs job satisfaction anyway? Unpopular opinion by a CEO
There’s an old saying in the advertising industry: “Everyone wants to be the general, but no one wants to be the soldier.” Let’s dive into that, shall we? Because, quite frankly, I’m tired of watching talented individuals self-destruct under the weight of their own egos. 7 Aug 2024 Read more

Website "not so" best practices: unpopular opinion by a UX guru
In the vast world of the internet, where user experience reigns supreme, it is remarkable to witness some websites exhibit practices that seem designed to repel rather than engage users. While the intention behind these techniques may have been well-meaning, their execution leaves much to be desired. 3 Jul 2024 Read more

Breaking budgetary shackles: Unpopular opinion by a production director
As a production director at an advertising agency, I've witnessed the magic of captivating campaigns that drive business growth. But there's one persistent frustration that keeps our industry from reaching its full potential: pitching without a budget. It's like trying to conjure fireworks without a sparkler. In this opinion article, I'll shed light on the comical pitfalls of pitching without a budget and argue for the importance of embracing and investing in the creative process. 5 Jun 2024 Read more

Is everyone a social media specialist? Unpopular opinion by a head social media specialist
Welcome to the era of digital dominance, where social media reigns supreme as our gateway to the world. We're all in on the scroll, the share, and the meme as we navigate the digital landscape on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X, Tik Tok and LinkedIn. But amidst this social media frenzy, a legion of self-proclaimed specialists has emerged. The burning question: do these digital dynamos truly possess the mastery to conquer the complexities of social media, or are they merely adept at sprucing up their lunch pics with filters? Let’s voyage through the sea of self-proclaimed gurus and armchair experts. 2 May 2024 Read more

When did clients become advertisers? Unpopular opinion by a chief creative officer
Picture this: You visit a doctor to seek their specialised advice on a medical issue. You listen attentively as they diagnose your condition and recommend a treatment plan. You don't argue or challenge their expertise because you trust that they know best. 3 Apr 2024 Read more

The vanishing act of decent interns: Unpopular opinion by a CEO
The disappearance of the "decent intern" has become an enigma of epic proportions. 6 Mar 2024 Read more

The World Domination blueprint: Wetpaint is taking over the world one brief at a time
In the dynamic advertising industry, Wetpaint stands as a visionary force. Our World Domination plan, fuelled by core values like Doing it Better and Thinking Bigger, has propelled us to international acclaim. Partnerships with industry giants like Volnat, GLX, and Clearway Advisory are a testament to our global impact. Wetpaint doesn't just advertise; we redefine narratives and transcend borders, shaping the future of advertising worldwide. Wetpaint is where creativity meets commerce - welcome to Wetpaint's World Domination. 22 Nov 2023 Read more

Wetpaint goes global, 30 fastest growing private companies to look out for in 2022
Buckle up because we are about to take off. Barely halfway into the year yet another award! We are excited to announce our latest accomplishment and couldn't be prouder of our tribe. Our team has worked hard to evolve into a force to be reckoned with and we are excited to see our efforts come to fruition. We are only in the first quarter of the year and it is already proving to be a fruitful one. Come on board and enjoy the fruits of our labour. 20 Apr 2022 Read more

Third time's a charm at Wetpaint
A wise man once said, "First time lucky. The second time is a coincidence. But third time is hard work and fortune." And we all know you can't dispute any sentence that starts with "a study has shown" or "a wise man once said". In 2021, Wetpaint proved that hard work indeed pays off, winning three awards, the most recent being the Integrated Agency of the Year at the Corporate Livewire Global Awards. Not only is the team charming, but we've also proved that third time's a charm. 20 Jan 2022 Read more

Wetpaint Advertising - Twenty Twenty Won!
With just a few days left, it's only fair to end off with a little bit of bragging, right? See what we did there? It seems like we've been on a winning streak. Receiving awards left and right, so we've truly earned the bragging rights. But on a serious note, we owe our success to our truly inspired team with that Ford kind of focus. The energy in the office is always as bubbly as a champagne bottle. Our clients know that we're like a national newspaper after the annual matric exams. We always deliver results. And that's been our winning formula for Twenty Twenty Won! 14 Dec 2021 Read more

Hard lockdown vs social media relevance
Building a brand, just like constructing a long-lasting structure - requires a strong and durable foundation, plenty of creativity, and a lot of careful research. 23 Aug 2021 Read more

The little big agency of big, bold dreamers - making the move to new premises
If Covid-19 has taught us anything this past year, it is that businesses are not exempt from the fundamentals of nature. For a business to succeed, it must adapt to changing environments, consumer and client demands. The pandemic has tested all sectors of businesses - some have thrived and inevitably, some perished. 29 Apr 2021 Read more

SA Mint commemorates 25 years of democracy with the launch of their new coin range
South Africa's constitutional democracy is 25 years old and as the foremost storyteller and preserver of the nation's history and heritage, it was the South African Mints mandate to reinvigorate our countries pride and stir up interest in coin collecting - with a commemorative coin collection for the people, by the people. 8 Jul 2019 Read more

True beauty shines when you believe - The Avroy Shlain Journey
What is true beauty? True beauty is what you radiate from within - a notion our client takes very seriously. 4 May 2018 Read more

Taking on the local leg of a global campaign, Wetpaint teams up with Diesel
With Black Friday, Christmas and the tying up of the year's loose ends all waiting on the near horizon, the last couple of months of the year are always frantic ones in this industry. Wetpaint recently learned that they have become even more so when the international clothing powerhouse, Diesel, comes knocking. 19 Dec 2017 Read more

Twenty years later, the Wetpaint odyssey continues
New clients. New team members. New tricks to old trades. 7 Nov 2017 Read more

Digital Assets empowering Wetpaint's SEO
If there is one unfortunate truth about search engine optimisation (SEO) it's that it takes time to deliver results. 24 Oct 2017 Read more

We advertise too well
There is such a thing, it would appear, as too much of a good thing - chocolate is great, for example, but it's not a staple part of a healthy diet. 7 Nov 2016 Read more

A fresh coat of Wetpaint
Ever since Isaiah Mustafa told the world, "I'm on a horse," in what would become one of the most iconic campaigns in advertising history, Old Spice went viral and ceased to be the scent that most reminds you of your grandfather. Such is the impact that a carefully managed rebranding strategy can have on the message that a brand communicates to its audience. 31 Aug 2016 Read more

Montgomery Scott and the Wetpaint company culture
I haven't watched the reboots, but I grew up as a Star Trek geek whose mother insisted I watch the original series. If you were similarly blessed, then you needn't be told that Montgomery Scott (of "beam me up, Scotty" fame) was more than just the ship's engineer. He was a miracle-worker, an artist whose canvas was the Enterprise's engine room. 18 Aug 2016 Read more

Simple marketing lessons learned from Trump's presidential aspirations
Billionaire businessman, and presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump officially became his party's choice in the American presidential race. 17 Aug 2016 Read more

The Metals and Engineering Indaba 2015
Wetpaint Advertising was honoured to play a part in bringing South Africa the inaugural Metals and Engineering Indaba (MEIndaba) on 28 and 29 May 2015 at Emperors Palace, Johannesburg. The MEIndaba was the first of its magnitude in the history of the sector. It was the brain child of the Steel and Engineering Federation of Southern Africa (SEIFSA) and the ground-breaking conference was held against a backdrop of mounting labour challenges, a shrinking economy and an uncertain electricity supply situation. The two day event brought together experienced industry business owners, business leaders and executives, entrepreneurs, policy and decision makers as well as investors all into one room. The event came at a time when government had identified the manufacturing sector as a key driver of economic growth in the National Development Plan and a platform for job creation. 27 Aug 2015 Read more

Yahoo networking event 2015
Networking provides an avenue for both businesses and customers to connect on a whole new level that once was an estranged resource. Technology has been able to shape the way we connect and network around the world. Local has become global and global will someday be universal. 23 Apr 2015 Read more

We dare to be different!
We don't want to live just to be forgotten. Rather, we find that there is power and beauty in our difference. It is our way to stand out in the world and showcase that being different is actually a better way of living. 19 Mar 2015 Read more

Our little, big agency is on the roll with two big reasons to celebrate!
We are thrilled to unveil a brand new client, Price Waterhouse Coopers South Africa. We have already hit the ground doing what we do best: media planning, buying and creative conceptualisation with special focus on out-of-home, print and online. We are truly elated by this show of faith in our abilities! 29 Aug 2014 Read more

The Aranda Royal Fashion Affair heats up Maseru
The 21st of June was the longest and coldest day of winter; but the sub-zero temperatures couldn't stop the models sizzling at the Royal Fashion Affair. 14 Aug 2014 Read more

Ethiopian Airlines to start flighting
The cherry on the top; we are glad to announce that the television commercial for Ethiopian Airlines started flighting on the 1st of June. 10 Jun 2014 Read more

Wetpaint? Rings a bell...
Already off to a running start; Wetpaint Advertising is proud to announce a host of new accounts for the 2014 financial year. 23 Jan 2014 Read more

Southern Power Maintenance on air for another year
SPM provides substation maintenance and refurbishment for many of South Africa's largest municipalities. They are in the business of keeping the lights on. 18 Oct 2013 Read more

Triple E Training takes their message to the airwaves
Triple E Training is currently undergoing a complete brand revamp with Wetpaint Advertising. Social media, online, video production, print, and radio are all included in the 2013 campaign for this first-time advertiser. 17 Oct 2013 Read more

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Credit Guarantee!
Wetpaint FM's 2013 campaign for Credit Guarantee is centred on Superheroes. The service which Credit Guarantee provides, as underwriters against potentially defaulting debtors, definitely makes them heroes in the eyes of their customers. 16 Oct 2013 Read more

2013's new client acquisitions
2013 has been a bumper year for Wetpaint so far, with more than one new client signed onto our books for every month thus far. "Life's a pitch" as the advertising saying goes, and that has definitely been the case this year; though not without considerable success! 1 Oct 2013 Read more

Shuaimeng Liu Martial Arts Centre rebrands as SMA
A true gem in the Martial Arts world of South Africa, Shuaimeng Liu is one of three Shaolin trained instructors in the country. Making waves in the martial arts community and setting a new standard in SA, SMA has moved to a state of the art gym in the heart of Rivonia, allowing them to scale up on the number of classes and disciplines that they are able to offer. 16 Aug 2013 Read more

BVS Telecomms joins Wetpaint's pallet
Wetpaint Advertising is happy to announce BVS Telecomms as one of its newest client acquisitions for the 2013 financial year. BVS Telecomms is a 100% black owned integrator of innovative business solutions based on information and communications technology (ICT). 15 Aug 2013 Read more

Wetpaint expands their social media portfolio
Wetpaint social media department has been growing exponentially over the last few months. Most notable amongst these leaps and bounds are the variety of automotive clients which have been recently acquired. Namely: a number of Jaguar, Land Rover, Subaru and Volvo dealerships in the Gauteng region. 2 Apr 2013 Read more

Autism SA Pro-bono account: Wetpaint tells us what we Aut2know
As of the 1st of March, Wetpaint Advertising has been taking care of the online, social media, and public relations needs of Autism South Africa. Taking on this account on a pro bono basis forms an integral part of our Social Investment initiatives for the 2013 financial year. 28 Mar 2013 Read more

The benefits of taking PR online
Nowadays it is vital that you integrate your PR endeavours into your digital and social media strategy. The opportunities for search engine optimisation, relationship management, and broad content proliferation are immense! 21 Feb 2013 Read more

Sponsored stories, what's different and what's the value?
We have two kinds of marketing when it comes to Facebook, we have Marketplace adverts and Sponsored stories. 14 Feb 2013 Read more

Advertising gets "socially responsive"
We've all heard of socially responsible advertising, and some of us may have heard of responsive web design. But these days, we are witnessing the rise of what this author terms "Socially Responsive Advertising" - i.e., the act of brands using social media platforms, not only to create and direct brand-centric conversations for existing fans, but to engage in fan-generated conversations and stories, and leverage on the potential of those stories as powerful advertising opportunities. 14 Feb 2013 Read more

Six biggest marketing fails of 2012
1) Nokia Uses Another Camera to Show Off its OIS Technology Why it failed: The idea here was for Nokia to demonstrate their new product's amazing optical image stabilisation capabilities. Except that they show a video using a professional camera, and tried to pass it off as their new OIS technology. A product marketer should be communicating a product's value through its features. If your product's features don't align with the value you're marketing, however, it makes you look like a liar, and your product appear subpar. Don't pull the wool over consumers' eyes -- be honest and con_ dent about your product's capabilities. 14 Feb 2013 Read more

Choosing a PR agency
Looking for a public relations agency? 4 Feb 2013 Read more

Wetpaint stages Rebecca Summer Collection 2013
Wetpaint Advertising staged a lavish fashion show-themed event, as the pièce de résistance to the culmination of an integrated brand awareness campaign, marking the launch of Rebecca Fashion International hairpiece products onto the South African market. 14 Dec 2012 Read more

Mzansi's growing "klout"
The rising digits that prove your marketing strategy needs to go digital 14 Nov 2012 Read more

Writing copy, writing history
Crafting advertising messages that are not merely good or great, but iconic. 22 Oct 2012 Read more

Wetpaint FM lands international accounts
September 2012, Wetpaint FM launches international radio campaigns. This significant new development confirms that, since inception, Wetpaint FM has shown growth beyond expectations. 1 Oct 2012 Read more

Looking back on 15 years of advertising innovation
The 1st of September 2012 marks 15 years of Wetpaint Advertising being in business. 15 years ago, our company started out life as a two-woman operation, with a single room for an office, and business cards printed on an omnichrom machine. Since then, we have grown into a miniature powerhouse: we are a full-service boutique advertising agency comprising of several distinct, yet inter-related, departments - all which serve towards providing our clients with a comprehensive, one-stop solution for their total marketing needs. 6 Sep 2012 Read more

Wetpaint Advertising likes you... so like them - on Facebook!
Wetpaint Advertising likes you - so go and like them: on Facebook! Wetpaint Advertising has launched their very own Fan Page on Facebook, for the purposes of cultivating and nurturing a family of weird and wonderful honorary Wetpaintians like themselves from across the social media stratosphere! 26 Jul 2012 Read more

Wetpaint launches Augmented Reality ads for Snapdragon
Boutique advertising agency Wetpaint Advertising has launched a wide-reaching brand awareness campaign to promote telecommunications technology giant Qualcomm's Snapdragon mobile processor chip. A unique feature of this campaign is the utilisation of Augmented Reality software functionality, which has been incorporated into the campaign's print media component. This marks an historic milestone in South African advertising history, as Wetpaint Advertising is one of the first agencies to incorporate this newly launched technology into print advertising. Qualcomm Snapdragon print adverts embedded with the Augmented Reality functionality have been issued in the latest editions of South Africa's most notable technology lifestyle magazine publications, including Tech Smart, Popular Mechanics, Stuff Magazine and Magg Magazine. 25 Jul 2012 Read more

Wetpaint FM Qualcomm radio campaign
Wetpaint FM recently scripted and recorded a series of radio adverts as a part of an integrated advertising campaign for Qualcomm. The campaign makes use of street pole ads, a radio and online competition, as well as a custom designed augmented reality app which truly brings the print and online adverts to life. 10 Jul 2012 Read more

Wetpaint Advertising lands Qualcomm account
International telecommunications corporation Qualcomm is launching its Snapdragon S4 mobile processor chipset onto the South African market, with Wetpaint Advertising leading its advertising efforts. 4 Jul 2012 Read more

Wetpaint steps out as the Little Big Agency
Bryanston-based advertising agency Wetpaint Advertising is making waves throughout the South African advertising and media industry for branching out and diversifying its business model to include an Eventing as well as a Digital division which is incorporated into the services of its traditional agency offerings. 8 Jun 2012 Read more

Wetpaint FM puts Southern Power Maintenance on the air
Large-scale transformer maintenance and OEM Southern Power Maintenance (SPM) operate within a very small but essential niche industry. With municipalities and parastatals comprising the majority of their clientele it is essential that every single industry leader is aware of SPM's existence and service offering. 10 May 2012 Read more

Sasria gives back on Career Day with the Adopt a School Foundation
Mogale City, Gauteng. Special Risk insurance purveyors Sasria have collaborated with notable organizations such as Sci-BONO, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Norton Rose and Wetpaint Advertising in order to bring a special Career Day initiative to Lodrile Secondary School in Mogale City, Gauteng. Lodrile Secondary School is an economically disadvantaged government-established institution which is currently being run and funded under the auspices of the Adopt a School Foundation, a privately-funded charitable organization established by a number of the board members of Sasria. Most notably, Cyril Ramaphosa serves on the Adopt a School Foundation board. 4 May 2012 Read more

Wetpaint Advertising launches a PR campaign for Huawei Device
Huawei Devices South Africa embarks upon a fresh-thinking PR drive contracting the services of Wetpaint Advertising's PR division. This new and substantial account has been awarded to the Wetpaint team in light of the fact that their expertise in the telecommunications and mobile industry is difficult to beat. 3 Apr 2012 Read more

Wetpaint Advertising launches Wetpaint FM
Wetpaint Advertising proudly announces the launch of a new and exciting wing of their business; Wetpaint FM. This new service offering was founded to herald a new age for the agency which has been quietly gaining ground in the Gauteng marketplace for the last 14 years. 16 Feb 2012 Read more

Wetpaint, the Agency behind the Engine that Could
Calibra Motor Corporation (CMC), a 100% BEE owned and run South African company, has been operating from 2008. During this time, in spite of the fact that they had not yet embarked on a marketing plan, CMC have established 40 dealerships nationwide, securing many taxi sales and government contracts. It is a little known fact that many of the police cars that we see on SA roads are in fact imported by CMC, and now they are adding ambulances and panel vans to the mix. With government contracts and the taxi industry under their belt, CMC felt that they should focus on securing a share of the consumer market. CMC needed an agency like Wetpaint to back the engine that could. 30 Aug 2011 Read more

Projecting Epson into the Limelight
Having been out of the advertising arena for quite some time, Epson approached Wetpaint Advertising (WPA) to create a brand awareness campaign with a focus on projectors. WPA embarked on an integrated campaign including print, online and social media as well as a competition to win a home theatre projector worth R35 000. The competition, closing on the 30th of September, received over 16 000 entries within its first three weeks! 27 Jul 2011 Read more

Huawei's first South African product launch
Wetpaint Advertising launches the new Huawei S7 Slim Tablet at SET in the Design Quarter. 3 Jul 2011 Read more