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Novus Group Press Office
Novus Group, a South African company, provides innovative and industry leading media monitoring and analysis services to customers across the globe.
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Dealing with a blow to your reputation
Novus Group is always intrigued to witness how companies and, in this case, individuals, manage their media reputation in time of crisis. 8 Apr 2022 Read more

Positive media sentiment on 'well balanced' Budget Speech
On 23 February, the Minister of Finance Mr Enoch Gondwana delivered his Budget Speech to members of the National Assembly. Even though more than half of the media reporting (53%) on the speech was neutral, close to 31% was positive and reinforced opinion that the budget was well balanced. That's one of the main takeaways from a newly released special report on the 2022 Budget Speech, by media monitoring company Novus Group. 17 Mar 2022 Read more

A quarter of SA media reports positively on recent presidential address
The annual State of the Nation (SONA) address by President Cyril Ramaphosa on 10 February has been predominantly met with neutral media sentiment. However, 28% of publications found something positive to report on while 22% of media coverage was negative. That's one of the main takeaways from a newly-released special report on the SONA 2022, by media monitoring company Novus Group. 22 Feb 2022 Read more

Here's the lowdown on media monitoring in 2022
When I started out in the industry, 'media monitoring' used to be a phrase that struck dread into the hearts of junior PR people. It often meant physically cutting media mentions out of newspapers and magazines, and pasting them into a clippings book. If you were really unlucky, you'd have to listen to broadcast interviews and manually transcribe them. It was soul-destroying stuff. 2 Feb 2022 Read more

Novus Group - a Review of 2021
What a year! Now let's ride this rollercoaster into 2022 15 Dec 2021 Read more

One-stop content hub Novus Group Press Bulletin launched
Media monitoring company Novus Group has announced the launch of the Novus Group Press Bulletin portal, an integrated information resource for its clients, the media, and the public. 22 Oct 2021 Read more

Analysing media reporting around vaccinations
More than 30% of the South African adult population has been vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus. And with the daily infection rate starting to drop, suggestions are that the country has cleared the Third Wave. Over the last three months, local online media has certainly dedicated their share of digital column inches to articles on vaccinations. But what has the reporting been like and has it been as unbiased as many make it out to be? 29 Sep 2021 Read more

Media monitoring: here's why you need the human touch!!
Don't pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches.' Based on this quote by Andy Warhol, doing media monitoring for this legendary American artist would have been a breeze. In 2021, though, most PR professionals and their clients are looking for a little more insight into the outcomes of their work. 4 Aug 2021 Read more

Community media stands firm amidst print media carnage, report shows. 4 Aug 2021 Read more

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Email: az.oc.puorgsuvon@gnitekram
Phone: +27 11 568 3337