EA Outsourcing Summit confirms speaker

The event, hosted by international business-to-business conferencing company, Kinetic Events, is an invitation-only event that will host senior-level professionals currently outsourcing, or considering outsourcing as an option. The event will address both operational and technological strategic issues shared by leading decision makers globally seeking to influence market share and profitability.
Jim McFie is the head of the Board Audit Committee, Standard Media Group Limited, and the Chairman of Sasini Limited, both quoted on the Nairobi Stock Exchange. From 1993 to 2002 he was a director of the Kenya Capital Markets Authority, a member of the Kenya Value Added Tax Tribunal and a trustee of the Kenya Corporate Governance Trust. Jim boasts an impressive résumé as honorary treasurer on the Board of Directors, AfriAfya, and the African Network for Health Knowledge Management and Communication.
McFie will lead a topical discussion based on building the East Africa brand. The discussion will address how East African companies can develop a distinctive brand for themselves in a highly competitive international market. The focus will be set on how East Africa's emerging status and outsourcing operators are ideally positioned to offer maximum service and price flexibility.
Attendees at the event will engage in interactive conference sessions and educational workshops designed for quality time and interaction with peers exploring the alignment of people, process and technology. The summit aims to offer insight into the solutions available to contact centres today, assisting companies in the negotiations and selecting the tools best suited to their needs.
For more, go to www.eaosummit.com